• Special Education

    Core Purpose:

    In partnership with our families and community, Richland District 88A will educate all students to reach their highest potential.


    • All students are general education students first.
    • Special education is a service for students with an identified disability.
    • Special educators (including related service providers) utilize specialized instruction for the purpose of acquiring the necessary skills to master grade level standards.

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was passed by Congress to ensure all students with disabilities ages 3-21 would receive a free and appropriate public education to meet their individual and unique learning needs through special education services. The following links offer comprehensive information regarding the response to intervention and special education processes in Illinois:

    If you are a parent who has concerns about your child’s academic or social-emotional progress, as it relates to education, please contact the Department of Student Services for assistance.